Monday, August 2, 2010

Cellular Amplifiers FAQ 10 Questions - 10 Answers (6 of 10)

Question 6 of 10
How do I tune a Yagi antenna?

Point the main center beam of the Yagi in the general direction of the cell tower. Make sure the radials are pointing up and down. Connect the antenna to a cell phone in TEST MODE. Pan the Yagi left and right in 10 degree increments until you get the best signal strength reading from the phone. In most cases, you want a signal as strong as you can get. Signal strength is measured in negative decibels so a signal strength of -85 is stronger than -99. When you are panning the antenna, be sure to let go of the antenna or it may give inaccurate readings. Lock the antenna down at the position where you get the best signal strength.

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