Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cellular Amplifiers FAQ 10 Questions - 10 Answers (8 of 10)

Question 8 of 10
How much separation do I need between the outside and inside antennas? How much separation do I need between the signal booster and the antennas?

As a general rule, in-building 50 dB signal boosters should have at least 40 feet of separation between the inside and outside antennas. The 65 dB signal boosters should have at least 75-80 feet of separation. Separation is measured as a straight line between the two antennas because signal travels through the air in a straight line. Separation is not measured by the length of cables. In a vehicle it is best to place the antenna centered, or towards the rear area of the roof. The metal roof acts as a “shield’ between outside and inside antennas, making placement a bit less critical. In any case there is usually a red light on all of our signal boosters which indicates that an oscillation has been detected and prevented by the protection circuitry. If this occurs, consult the install guide as more separation may be needed. Point of interest: A signal booster does not need to be any specific distance from either the inside or outside antenna. You may, if necessary, connect the signal booster directly to one antenna or the other, though the separation between the antennas themselves remains critical.

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