Friday, June 29, 2012

Coming Soon Wilson 867501 RF Signal Detector

The RF Signal Detector helps you find the strongest available signal for your cellular devices Improve cellular device performance and optimize signal coverage indoors! The RF Signal Detector from Wilson Electronics is a quad-band detector that finds the available cellular signals in any location and displays signal attributes on the detector’s LCD screen. This signal detector can be paired with a variety of Wilson antennas to map the local cellular frequency environment and find the direction of the cell tower that provides the strongest signal. This allows you to precisely point a directional antenna so a Wilson signal booster can maximize indoor cellular coverage. The Signal Detector’s LCD screen displays the frequency of a detected signal, the range of pass bandwidth in megahertz (MHz) and the signal strength in decibels (dB). Easy-to-use button controls located just under the screen allow the user to move between frequency bands and channels. This device works with the 800 MHz (Cellular), 1900 MHz (PCS), 2100 MHz (AWS) and 700 MHz LTE (bands 12 and 13) frequency bands. The RF Signal Detector is the perfect tool to help you optimize a Wilson signal booster installation or tune a directional antenna. FEATURES • Detects and displays available signal frequency, bandwidth and strength • Works with 700, 800, 1900 and 2100 (AWS) MHz spectrum bands • Configurable with a variety of Wilson antennas • Detects available signal indoors or outdoors • Switches easily between frequency bands and channels INSTALLER BENEFITS • Determine which cellular signals, including 3G & 4G, are available for any location • Find the strongest available signal • Map the local cellular frequency environment • Precisely position directional antennas for optimum performance • Maximize signal coverage indoors Purpose The purpose of the RF Signal Detector is to assist the installation of a Wilson Electronics Signal Booster, specifically for: • Mapping the frequency environment • Pointing directional antennas • Maximizing Wilson® Electronics Signal Booster coverage This product will be available within the next 30 days and will retail for $399.95 at


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